Battery Kill Switch - Switched On
A Battery Kill Switch For Security And Safety

The ultimate safety and security device. Turn the key to add security by cutting car circuitry to prevent unauthorized vehicle use. Just turn the key, leave it in or take it out for full comfort and safety.
Install it in your dash, or in a secret location. In adition, during car shows the kill switch also acts as a battery disconnect at your convenience. May also be used for anti-theft, performance safety, or both!
How to Install a Battery Kill Switch
Tools and Materials Needed:
- Battery switch
- Socket wrench
- Philips screwdriver
- Drill
- Drill bits
- Silicone caulking
Step 1 - Buy New Battery Switch
When installing a battery switch you need to pay very close attention to the actual switch that you buy. Look at your owner's manual and find out the exact power output of your battery and other components. The battery disconnect switch should match up with this. If it does not then you will continue to blow the switch. If this happens as you are driving down the road, the results could be pretty devastating.
Step 2 - Remove Cables from Battery
A dangerous habit that most people get into is to only remove the negative cable from the battery. You should always disconnect both the positive and the negative cables from the battery poles to ensure your safety when working on the electrical components. This is also a good time to clean them off to make sure of a good connection point.
Step 3 - Remove Positive Cable Terminal
Once you have the positive cable removed you need to remove the terminal from the end of the cable. You can use a Philips screwdriver to do this very easily. Be careful not to break any of the wire as you unscrew the terminal.
Step 4 - Wire in Switch
After you have removed the terminal from the battery cable, you can now install the switch. Wire the switch in between the cable and the battery terminal. By doing this, when the switch is in the off position, you will break the contact and you will not be using the battery. Make sure that when you install the switch that you install it in the on position.
Step 5 - Reconnect Positive Battery Terminal
Now that the switch is wired on at the end of the battery cable you can reconnect the terminal.
Step 6 - Secure Switch
Once the switch is connected to the battery cable you will need to secure the disconnect switch in a concealed area. Doing this will ensure that anyone who wants to steal your car will not be able to easily locate it. Once you have found a place for the switch you will need to drill in some pilot holes with your drill.
Step 7 - Screw Switch to Frame
Mark the holes for the screws that will be holding the switch in place with a marker. Drill the holes with your drill and make sure that any burrs are removed. Position the switch with the holes lined up and then secure with the supplied screws. You may want to cover the wire connections with a little dab of silicone caulking to act as a weatherproofing agent so the wire connections do not start to corrode and fall off.
Step 8 - Connect Battery Cables
Once you have all of the wires connected and the switch installed you can now reconnect the battery cables to the battery poles.
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